(775) 677.7220 | (707) 527.9968 INFO@KGWALTERS.COM

Emergency Repair

When the public health and safety is at risk, the ability to return systems to normal operations in the least amount of time is the number one concern. KG Walters’ reputation provides owners with the confidence needed to hand over the responsibility of repairing inoperable systems, knowing work will be done promptly, correctly and for at a fair cost.

From large scale 20 MGD by-pass pumping systems to small rural lift station pump repair, we know each job is top priority for that client. KG Walters’ reputation provides owners with the confidence needed to hand over the responsibility of repairing inoperable systems, knowing work will be done promptly, correctly and for a fair cost.

EPA fines for Major Violations can be up to $10,000.00 per day.