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Carson City WRRF Phase 1A

Carson City WRRF Phase 1A

$29,991,581. CMAR, Lump Sump. Carollo Engineering. New Biological Nutrient Removal System and New Secondary Clarifier with upgrades to existing facility components to comply with State discharge permit requirements....
Kingsbury GID Ozone & UV Treatment Plant

Kingsbury GID Ozone & UV Treatment Plant

CMAR, Cost Plus GMP. $12,688,166. CH2MHill Engineering. Coming in under budget by 8% is proof of the benefits from a collaborative approach to problem solving. On the shores of Lake Tahoe with a very small laydown area....
Spooner Summit Pump Station Improvement Project

Spooner Summit Pump Station Improvement Project

Design/ Bid/ Build, Lump Sum. $2,390,000. HDR Engineering. Constructed a new standby power Generator Building for the effluent discharge pumps which lift the treated waste water from Incline Village’s waste water plant...
Fernley Arsenic Removal Water Treatment Facility

Fernley Arsenic Removal Water Treatment Facility

$40,000,000. Design/ Bid/ Build, Lump Sum. CDM Engineers. Largest Public Works project for Lyon County and the City of Fernley. EPA Unfunded mandates on lowering detection levels of Arsenic in the drinking water forced...