(775) 677.7220 | (707) 527.9968 INFO@KGWALTERS.COM

Who We Are

KG Walters has had a leading presence in the water treatment industry as a General Engineering Contractor since first starting in 1974. Projects range from short duration small repairs to multi year, multi million dollar contracts. From emergency services to design build, all projects incorporate our core value of integrity. Having been in business this long, we understand our reputation has been the key to success. Our company culture is centered around long-term relationships, as confirmed by both clients and employees.

As a company we have learned to only do what we do best, which is why our primary focus is Water Treatment. Becoming an expert at something does not come from just observing, but by doing. This is why we self-perform the majority of work on all projects, ensuring control over quality of the final product.





Treatment systems installed and commissioned include:

  • Microfiltration
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Filter Pressure Vessels
  • Flocculation and Sedimentation
  • Ozone
  • Ultra Violet
  • Chemical treatment systems.