(775) 677.7220 | (707) 527.9968 INFO@KGWALTERS.COM


Construction took a giant, rapid leap in technology from 2D blue prints used for generations to 5D modeling that can be carried around on a tablet. But without an understanding of the way components actually get built, no amount of virtual modeling does any good.

KG Walters can determine which computer assistive technology will provide the most cost effective benefit for each project based on the specifics of size, location and budget.

KG Walters Technology tool bag contains:

  • CAD based field survey layout
  • Real space 3D scanning
  • Building Information Models or BIM
  • Cloud based management information systems
3D models can be used during turnover as a virtual O & M, allowing operations and maintenance to “walk” through their facility, retrieving equipment information and provide accurate as-built measurements of utilities.